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What Is A Garden Pyramid Planter?

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Strawberry pyramid planter

...And How To Build One For Strawberries!

A garden pyramid planter (also known as a tower planter) is a simple way to make gardening fun, easier, and more productive than ever. Just as it`s name implies, a pyramid planter has a shape similar to an Egyptian pyramid, where planters are arranged on top of each other.

There are no set rules or instructions on how to build one, which means the only limitation is your imagination.

If you're looking for a creative way to spruce up your garden, consider making a pyramid garden planter!

Why are pyramid planters popular?

Garden pyramid planters offer many benefits over traditional gardening methods.

  • By raising the garden beds off the ground, they are easy to reach for planting, tending and harvesting.
  • Depending on the depth of layers, pyramid planters allow root systems to take advantage of a large soil volume and promote more vigorous plant growth.
  • They require less water and maintenance.
  • Pyramid planters are beautiful and can add interest to any backyard.

With pyramid gardens, you can grow a variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs in a small area. One popular use of a pyramid planter is to grow strawberries. It's easy and fun, so don't be intimidated!

Strawberry pyramid planters

There are many benefits that come with using strawberry pyramid planters.

  1. They can help to increase the yield of your strawberries. This is because the plants will have more space to grow and will be able to produce more fruit.

  2. The planters can also help to improve the quality of your strawberries as they will be less likely to rot or mold.

  3. If you are looking for a way to improve the appearance of your garden and add a touch of elegance, then strawberry pyramid planters are a great option.

Here is a simple instruction on how to get started with your own strawberry pyramid planter this season.


How to make a DIY garden tower planter?

We've found a great resource for a simple wood project for the plant pyramid that is easy enough for beginners to make.

It has a slot-based system as its core. You only have to make a few cuts from and into the pallet and then just arrange your planks and plants to make your space saving vertical garden.

Check out full instructions from Instructables. They have tons of great tutorials, detailed plans, and ideas on all kinds of things!

If you have limited space in your backyard or balcony, and you don't have much time for a DIY project, you can consider buying stackable planters, and grow strawberries vertically.

How to get the best drainage?

One potential drawback to be aware of with pyramid planters is that water may not drain well.

The pyramid shape of the planter can cause water to pool at the center of the structure, which can lead to root rot and other problems for your plants.

To avoid this, make sure that you provide adequate drainage by creating a hole in the center of the pyramid planter that is at least 1 inch deep. You can also line the bottom of the planter with a layer of gravel to help improve drainage.

How to grow strawberries properly?

Now that your planter is all set up, it's time to plant! Here are a few tips for setting up the healthiest environment for your strawberries.

  1. Choose the right time for planting -The grown strawberries develop runners that produce baby plants you can use to renew your pyramid and maintain fruit production.

    Planting strawberries the right way is crucial for a successful harvest. Here are some great guidelines below for when to plant your strawberry plants based on the USDA Zones.
    Modified from - a great source for everything related to growing strawberries!

  2. Choose the right spot - In order to get the most out of your strawberries, position them in full sun or so that they receive at least six hours of sunlight a day. The north side of a pyramid will be shaded, so orientation is key to ensuring that all edges get some sun during the day.

    TIP: You can grow shade-loving herbs on the north side of your pyramid planter (including mint, lemon balm, and other herbs that you can add to a pitcher of cool cocktails together with strawberries).

  3. Enrich the soil - Fill the layers of the pyramid with rich compost mixed with clean sandy loam or sand and peat, tamping down the soil in each layer. This gives the soil an acidic pH which strawberries need for best growth.

    To help the plants develop healthy foliage, roots, and fruits, you should use water-soluble organic fertilizer, which may be used weekly during regular irrigation.                                                                                               
  4. To ensure a successful planting, make sure you follow these steps:
    First, start by making small mounds of soil along the planting rows at about 12-inch or a bit wider intervals.

    Next, place each strawberry plant's crown on top and spread roots downside so they are covered with just enough dirt as needed for new growth - no more than half should be deprived of above ground level!

    Finally, after initial watering check occasionally until all become established again in their proper places.

  5. Relax! Your pyramid planter will soon be full of beautiful foliage.

Extra tips and tricks

  • If you want your wooden pyramid planters to last for more than one season, it's important to varnish the wood before putting it together. With proper care, your pyramid planter should last for two or three seasons.

  • A drip irrigation system delivers water directly to the roots of the plants, so all levels of the pyramid get an equal amount of water. As a result, your plants will stay healthy and vibrant, and you won't have to worry about uneven watering causing problems down the road.


We hope that you've found this blog helpful. Have fun building garden pyramids and enjoy your time in the garden!

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